Category Archives: bike lanes

Advocacy Action alert:

Support letters are invited to Santa Monica City Council for Meeting on Tuesday, May 14th for the following agenda items.

Council emails:

Funded Projects we are supporting.

More Agenda Items we are supporting:

Happy Bike Month 2024!

Check out the all the local Bike Month events and promotions here and on our Event Calendar

Mobility Update Meeting with City Staff: Bergamot Area Connections

Join us for a meeting April 2nd, 7-8:30pm on ZOOM with City Mobility Staff to get a presentation on the exciting projects in the Bergamot Area that will improve circulation, connections to existing infrastructure and help create safer streets.

Meeting VIA ZOOM –  RSVP to get the link
Calendar Event will always have the latest updates

The Bergamot Area First-Last Mile Active Mobility Circulation Improvements projects will connect local neighborhoods to transit facilities, bikeways, schools, parks, employment and recreation opportunities. The projects area is made up of three key corridors that will receive bicycle and pedestrian safety improvements as identified in the City’s Land Use and Circulation Element (LUCE), Bicycle Action Plan (BAP), Bergamot Area Plan, Pedestrian Action Plan and the Local Roadway Safety Plan.

The key corridors are:

  • Olympic Boulevard (north side only) from 26th Street to Stewart Street;
  • 26th Street from Olympic Boulevard to Broadway; and
  • Stewart Street from Colorado Avenue to Kansas Avenue; Colorado Avenue from Stewart Street to Yale Street; and Pennsylvania Avenue from Stewart Street to 26th Street.

The improvements are planned to be implemented in three phases beginning with an Olympic Boulevard sidewalk and finishing with Stewart Street and Pennsylvania Avenue bicycle and pedestrian improvements.

Email Support Today for More Protected Bike Lanes and Safer Streets for Everyone!

Council Meeting February 27th, Item 3B

Tuesday Feb 27th Santa Monica City Council will hear the City Manager Report – on the Bike Action Plan and a Vision Zero Update — Special Item 3B on the Agenda.

Please join us with an email to Council TODAY voicing your support for more protected bike lanes (support the Bike Action Plan Amendment) and to support our city’s commitment to Vision Zero — to protect vulnerable road users, like people walking and biking, with streets designed to be safer for everyone.

Easy one click email please do add your comments and personal stories if you can!

Or use this “copy and paste / template”
send to:,,,

bcc us at:

Re: Item 3B City Manager Report – Bike Action Plan and Vision Zero Update.

Dear Santa Monica Mayor, City Council and City Manager:

I support the City’s commitment to safer streets and more protected bike lanes. Please prioritize improving bike and pedestrian infrastructure and Vision Zero. The City must continue the overwhelming community supported commitment to prioritize and protect vulnerable road users, like people walking and biking, with more protected bike lanes and streets designed to be safer for everyone.

Please support and prioritize safer streets!

17th Street & Michigan Avenue Ribbon Cutting

Where: 17th and Colorado (Metro lot)
Please join us Dec. 2nd at 9am to celebrate the completion of the newest addition to the Santa Monica protected bike network with a ribbon cutting ceremony and a morning full of free, family-friendly activities. Enjoy donuts, local musicians and performers, remarks from the Mayor, giveaways, and bike rides along the project.
See more about the event HERE!
Hope to see you there! 

9 a.m. Donuts, coffee and hot chocolate (while supplies last)
9:30 a.m.  Ribbon cutting ceremony

  Confirmed Speakers:

  • Mayor Gleam Davis
  • Director of Transportation Anuj Gupta
  • Chief of Police Ramon Batista
  • Santa Monica Spoke Director Cynthia Rose

10 a.m. Santa Monica High School Marching Band
11:15 a.m. Academia de Danza Ballet Folklorico Flor de Mayo
10 a.m. – noon Guided bike tours 

Keystone projects like this improve bike and pedestrian safety and promote sustainability to help combat climate change. The completion of the Safe Streets for 17th Street and Michigan Avenue project marks a milestone step towards advancing the city’s key strategic priority of fostering a Sustainable & Connected Community. In addition to promoting sustainability and multi-modal transportation, Safe Streets for 17th Street and Michigan Avenue advances the City’s commitment to a Clean and Safe Santa Monica, including the Vision Zero initiative, which is the goal of eliminating severe traffic injuries and deaths on city streets. This critical project builds upon community engagement and feedback including the adopted Bike Action Plan Protected Network Amendment, Pedestrian Action Plan, the Michigan Avenue Neighborhood Greenway (MANGo) Plan, as well as the city’s Land Use and Circulation Element.
Click to see a list of more exciting Mobility Projects