Category Archives: Meeting

SM Mobility Projects Update Meeting with City Staff

Save the Date
Virtual on ZOOM: RSVP for Zoom link

Zoom link will be emailed the day of the meeting.

Submit your questions in advance to
During the meeting we will use the Q&A tab for questions.

SaMoDOT Mobility Staff will present updates on bike and pedestrian projects and safety campaigns. City Staff will review recent and upcoming project work followed by a Q&A.

Projects to be discussed:

  • Michigan Ave/ 20th Street bike and pedestrian connection completion
  • Construction updates for:
    – Bergamot Safety Improvements
    – 6-Schools Pedestrian Improvements,

    – Colorado Ave and Broadway Protected Bike Lane Projects,
    – East Pico Safety Improvements
  • Santa Monica Boulevard Safety Study
    – Outreach and Engagement Schedule
  • Santa Monica Neighborhood Greenways Grant application
  • Share Mobility Status and Deployment Update
    More topics could be added

Looking forward to catching up with you all on October 16th!

Advocacy Action alert:

Support letters are invited to Santa Monica City Council for Meeting on Tuesday, May 14th for the following agenda items.

Council emails:

Funded Projects we are supporting.

More Agenda Items we are supporting:

Mobility Update Meeting with City Staff: Bergamot Area Connections

Join us for a meeting April 2nd, 7-8:30pm on ZOOM with City Mobility Staff to get a presentation on the exciting projects in the Bergamot Area that will improve circulation, connections to existing infrastructure and help create safer streets.

Meeting VIA ZOOM –  RSVP to get the link
Calendar Event will always have the latest updates

The Bergamot Area First-Last Mile Active Mobility Circulation Improvements projects will connect local neighborhoods to transit facilities, bikeways, schools, parks, employment and recreation opportunities. The projects area is made up of three key corridors that will receive bicycle and pedestrian safety improvements as identified in the City’s Land Use and Circulation Element (LUCE), Bicycle Action Plan (BAP), Bergamot Area Plan, Pedestrian Action Plan and the Local Roadway Safety Plan.

The key corridors are:

  • Olympic Boulevard (north side only) from 26th Street to Stewart Street;
  • 26th Street from Olympic Boulevard to Broadway; and
  • Stewart Street from Colorado Avenue to Kansas Avenue; Colorado Avenue from Stewart Street to Yale Street; and Pennsylvania Avenue from Stewart Street to 26th Street.

The improvements are planned to be implemented in three phases beginning with an Olympic Boulevard sidewalk and finishing with Stewart Street and Pennsylvania Avenue bicycle and pedestrian improvements.

Mobility Update Meeting: Save the Date

Please save the date and plan to join us the evening of April 2nd for a Mobility Update with City Staff.
Move details posted soon:

Evening of April 2nd – ZOOM

Save the Date April 2nd for Mobility Team update