Come visit us at Santa Monica Spoke, Santa Monica Safe Routes to School, GoSaMo Team, and the Santa Monica Safe Street Alliance AND SO MUCH MORE. We will host another fun bike & small wheels obstacle safety course and bike safety checks by Performance Bicycle for the kids. Free and low cost helmets and lots of materials and information to share! A day of healthy outdoor activities for all ages!
Start the day on a Walk with Mayor Protem Gleam Davis to the Buy Local Festival for a day of fun and health activities for the entire family!

This free community event, co-produced with the city of Santa Monica, will feature  music,  pop up shops,  and  interactive classes, and lots of opportunities to get to know your City.  Local businesses will provide  expertise,  advice,  health screenings,  and  free product samples    to promote a healthy and happy lifestyle for the entire Santa Monica Community. Businesses from every neighborhood will be there.  Don’t miss the chance to be part of this amazing feel-good festival and help support your local businesses, schools, and public services!
We are giving away more Huffy Cruisers!!