Don’t forget Kidical Mass(ive) Saturday! Global bike ride for the entire family, kids to seniors! Join us at Clover Park starting at 9am!
Sunday is COAST: Santa Monica Open Streets Celebration!!

Come visit our activation on Ocean Ave, just north of the Santa Monica Pier!
We will have lots of FREE fun activities including:
• Free Youth Small Wheels Skills Course! – bring your wheels or borrow one of our bikes
• Bike Safety Checks – air pump, minor repairs!
• Helmet Decorating – always fun!
•. #BikeLocalSM #BuyLocalSM backpack coloring!
• Suffragette Sash Decorating! – with League of Women Voters Santa Monica
•. Sign up to win 1 of 2 FREE Huffy Cruisers!!
On September 15, everyone is invited to this free city celebration of a more people-powered and sustainable Santa Monica where they can showcase their favorite real or imaginary car-free way of getting around. In addition to the two miles of car-free streets filled with roaming musicians, hands-on activities and an assortment of participatory classes, the event will be a pageant of attendees’ creativity.
See more on the event page HERE
WHERE: The event will be held on more than two miles of car-free streets in and around Downtown Santa Monica, including Ocean Ave. from Wilshire Blvd. to Colorado Ave., Colorado Esplanade from 5th St. to and including the Pier, and Main St. from Colorado Ave. to Pier Ave.