Every month we gather for great fun, beverages and AWESOME company!
Come join us – all are welcome!
We were rained out in January – but now rescheduled at Rusty’s for April! This month we head to Rusty’s on the Santa Monica Pier for our monthly HandleBar Happy Hour!
They are a Buy Local Business and Voted as the Most Loved Business on the Santa Monica Pier (2015 + 2016) + as a runner-up for Happy Hour + Live Music/Entertainment Venue categories (2016 + 2017)
Day ……… Thursday
Date …….. April 25th
Time ……. 5:30pm – 7:30pm or ?
Where …. Rusty’s, 256 Santa Monica Pier
#HBHH #BikeLocalSM #BikeSM #SMSpoke #DrinkLocalSM #EatLocalSM
Our Happy Hours support local businesses and BuyLocalSM like Rusty’s on the Santa Monica Pier.
End of every month we like to get together for fun, support local businesses, and to celebrate all things bike.
Always fun, always family friendly!
Socialize, talk bikes, give input ….
If it’s on your way don’t forget to pass the Bike Counter!
Big thank you to our March #BuyLocalSM #BikeLocalSM #HBHH venue El Cholo — WE HAD SO MUCH FUN!
We had a GREAT GROUP – FUN was had by all!
Celebrate #BikeLocalSM, our Buy Local SM businesses, happy hour + new friends at our monthly events! Learn about upcoming local bike events + find out about and connect with us at SM Spoke… as we visit and introduce you to some of our Buy Local SM businesses. Eat Local, Drink Local, Buy Local AND Bike Local SM!