Category Archives: State


Santa Monica Spoke joined CalBike and 80+ organizations in support in support of Complete Streets Bill SB 127. Collectively we believe that local streets should include safe space for people who walk, bike or scoot, not just fast-moving cars. We have support from major cities as well as rural/suburban, along with endorsements from elected officials. Many of you have been posting, retweeting, blogging, and putting out action alerts. This has resulted in hundreds of calls and nearly 2500 emails to the Governor’s office. 

If you agree, please email Governor Newsom and ask him to sign the Complete Streets Bill, SB 127. This bill will require Caltrans to serve the interests of all road users when it repairs or repaves local streets it controls.

Caltrans has resisted this bill. Governor Newsom needs to hear from you that you want Complete Streets today!

SB 127 has been sitting on the Governor’s desk waiting for a signature (and attention among all the rest of the headliners) – at this point we know he is hearing about the issue and may be briefed as early as tomorrow.  But the Caltrans fiscal impact issue still looms. While Calbike and Coalition partners have provided information to counter the Caltrans inflated estimate and the Dept of Finance flawed analysis, we still have convincing to do, especially pointing to the degree of need. 

Time for a big push directed at the Governor. There are multiple posts on the CalBike twitter page you can retweet, or create your own as some partners have done (thanks, Transform!). Please tag  @CAgovernor @GavinNewsom and @ScottWiener, and #SB127 and #completestreets.

Tell Governor Newsom to sign SB 127, the Complete Streets Bill. 

The more people who email Newsom, the more he’ll know that the people of California are holding him to account when he says “If anyone is wondering if climate change is real, come to California.”

(Feel free to customize the email with your own experience of riding and walking on Caltrans streets!)

Click here to send your email to Gov. Newsome today!

Support Complete Streets Bill Call Gov. Newsom now!

Thank you to all of you who emailed Governor Newsom and asked him to sign the Complete Streets Bill!
Now, we’re joining California Bicycle Coalition and safe streets partners in ramping up the pressure to pass
this bill for safer biking and walking on local streets that Caltrans controls.

Caltrans is too often an obstacle when local communities try to create livable streets.
Please call Gov. Newsom and ask him to sign SB 127, the Complete Streets for Active Living Bill.
Call (916) 445-2841 right now!

State your name, zip code, and that you are calling to urge the governor to support SB 127.
Here are some additional talking points:
• SB 127 is the most-cost effective way to make our streets safer.
• SB 127 is a sensible law that will require Caltrans to follow its own Complete Streets policies. 
• If you are serious about tackling climate change, we have to make it easier and safer to bike, walk,
and take transit. SB 127 will do all that.

Caltrans is too often an obstacle when local communities try to create livable streets. 
Tell Governor Newsom to sign SB 127 for safer streets.
Call him at (916) 445-2841 now.

Thank you!
P.S. Every call makes a difference. Please call Governor Newsom now at (916) 445-2841

Ask Governor Newsom to sign the Complete Streets Bill today!

The Complete Streets for Active Living Bill (SB 127) needs one more thing before it becomes law: a signature from Governor Newsom.

Caltrans has asked for a veto, so please email the governor your support for the Complete Streets Bill
right now!Caltrans is too often an obstacle when local communities try to create safer streets. The Complete Streets Bill requires them to include safety in their repaving and rebuilding projects. It will save lives.

Can you speak out for the Complete Streets Bill today? It just takes a minute.
Yes! I’ll take action! >>
Thank you for supporting SB 127 and Complete Streets! 

California Dream Ride 2019

Happy Bike Month from our bikes to yours, California Bicycle Coalition!

Registration is well underway for the California Dream Ride and spots are filling up fast! In honor of our favorite month of the year, CalBike is offering a special on registration for the California Dream Ride. Register before May 31, and you’ll save $25 on registration. But don’t delay because it may fill up by then! 

Register Today and Save $25!

About The 2019 California Dream Ride: Northern California
• 5 days of riding, Folsom to San Francisco, September 22-27
• Stunning vistas, comfortable accommodations, tasty meals, snacks, and beverages—all included
• Moderately challenging cycling, with e-bikes available at no charge
• The friendship of those who share your passion for cycling and the great outdoors
• Experienced and attentive staff to ensure that your ride is comfortable, fun, and hassle-free

Join a Training Ride!
Want to meet other cyclists and get in shape for the big tour? Come ride with us this summer in Los Angeles (May 18), San Francisco (June 16), San Diego (July 14), or Sacramento (August 17).

Register Today and Save $25 on Registration! ï»¿

Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions. 

Join us September 22-27, 2019!
A 5-day bicycle tour: Folsom to San Francisco, 290 miles

CalBike, Senator Scott Wiener Introduce ‘Complete Streets’ Legislation: SB127

CalBike and Senator Scott Wiener Introduce ‘Complete Streets’ Legislation Ensuring State-Owned Roads Prioritize Safety of People Walking and Biking

Each year, thousands of Californians needlessly suffer injury and death on our streets.
Why? Because our streets are designed for cars to move fast, instead of for people to move safely.

That’s why our statewide advocacy organization -the California Bicycle Coalition is joining Senator Scott Wiener (D-San Francisco), and coalition partners California Walks, Safe Routes to School National Partnership, and the American Heart Association in introducing Senate Bill 127, “Complete Streets for Active Living,” to make state-owned roads safe for everyone.

State-owned streets are often major surface streets that run through our communities. Unfortunately, Caltrans designers too often treat them like busy highways instead of the main streets they are—places to work, play, shop, and learn. They design them for fast car traffic, not for safety, because they are only required to consider safety improvements when they repair such streets. The Complete Streets for Active Living bill requires them to implement safety improvements. It elevates safety to the top of the priority list when Caltrans is repaving or rehabilitating a street. The difference is that now they’re required to consider safety improvements by internal policy, which means they can and usually consider and reject them. This bill will require them to implement safety improvements unless they have good reason not to.

CalBike’s Senior Policy Advocate Linda Khamoushian said it clearly at the press conference announcing the bill’s introduction: “Every day, poor street design causes hundreds of avoidable injuries and deaths on our roads. Because of this, the lives of our loved ones are altered by injury or cut short by speed. Because of this, we continue to divide communities and ignore our residents who need to or have the ability to walk and bike for their everyday needs. Because of this, we have systematically created barriers to healthy movement and affordable transportation for all Californians.”

Senator Scott Wiener added, “For too long, Caltrans has talked about complete streets as a policy, but hasn’t actually delivered these improvements in its projects. SB 127 ensures that as we rehabilitate state highways that run through the centers of our towns and cities, we prioritize active transportation uses like walking, bicycling, and riding public transportation. Streets designed for all residents create safer, healthier, and more inclusive communities. Ensuring everyone has access to safe streets also encourages alternate modes of transportation, which can help reduce vehicle miles traveled, and help us fight climate change.”

You can help by sharing about the campaign with your community, and if you or anyone you know is interested in highlighting how SB 127 will help conditions in your community, please contact CalBike’s Policy or Communications teams.
Stay up-to-date with this Complete Streets campaign and more at Santa Monica Spoke and at — join the conversation on social media @CalBike.