DATE: Sunday February 9th
TIME: 9:00 AM – NOON
START: Ishihara Park (2909 Exposition Blvd)
– meet Exposition Blvd between picnic area and playground.
Free: Please RSVP HERE so we have enough refreshments and activity supplies!
Por favor RSVP AQUà asà que tenemos suficientes refrigerios y materiales de actividad!
Join Santa Monica Spoke and the City of Santa Monica Safe Routes to School for the next Kidical Mass Family Bike Ride from Ishihara Park and Community Gardens!  We are excited to be joined by the Santa Monica Community Gardeners with fresh pancakes and tours of the Community Learning Garden. You never know what special guest could join us.
RSVP and arrive to Check-in for your pre-ride snacks and activities!
YEY Prize Drawings!

* Children must be accompanied and are the responsibility of their parents. Bikes should be in good working condition. Free Safety Checks on site for minor adjustments/repairs. Please use good judgement – ride is on city streets – smaller children should be in a child seat, in a trailer or Tag-a-long……